ANKARA - Kırklareli'nde bir haftada yasa dışı yollarla yurt dışına çıkmaya çalışan 165 düzensiz göçmen yakalandı.
İl Jandarma Komutanlığı ekipleri 18-24 Kasım tarihlerinde il genelinde düzensiz göçle mücadele kapsamında çalışma yaptı.
Ekipler, gerçekleştirdikleri denetimlerde çeşitli uyruklarda 165 yabancı uyrukluyu yakaladı.
Düzensiz göçmenler, jandarmadaki işlemlerinin ardından Pehlivanköy Geri Gönderme Merkezi'ne teslim edildi.
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John Carpet
But unfortunately for most of us our role as gardener has never been explained to us. And in misunderstanding our role, we have allowed seeds of all types, both good and bad, to enter our inner garden.
Joeby Ragpa
This template is so awesome. I didn’t expect so many features inside. E-commerce pages are very useful, you can launch your online store in few seconds. I will rate 5 stars.
ReplyAlexander Samokhin
This template is so awesome. I didn’t expect so many features inside. E-commerce pages are very useful, you can launch your online store in few seconds. I will rate 5 stars.
ReplyChris Root
This template is so awesome. I didn’t expect so many features inside. E-commerce pages are very useful, you can launch your online store in few seconds. I will rate 5 stars.